Environmental Impact Assessment for 66MW Power Plant at Industrial Terrace

Environmental Impact Assessment for 66MW Power Plant at Industrial Terrace, Kingston Jamaica
Funded by the International Finance Corporation (World Bank), the Jamaica Energy Partners were desirous of installing six (6) land based 11 MW medium speed diesel Wärtsilä 12V46 engines to meet the increased national electricity demand. The facility will provide 68,000 kW and 85,000 kVA gross with net values 65,610 kW and 82,012 kVA at a 0.80 power factor. The facility is expected to generate 446,760 MWh per year. The electricity will be produced using six (6) diesel generators operating at 11 kV at the generator terminals. Each generator set will have an active power rating of 11,349 kW.
Description of services provided by our team for the assignment:

  • Overall Project Management
  • Collection and Analysis of baseline data for: marine water quality, air quality and emissions, noise modelling, terrestrial floral and faunal communities, climate and meteorology.
  • Collection and Analysis of community socioeconomic data via questionnaire community perception survey and Stakeholder/focus group meetings
  • Analysis of potential project impacts and recommended mitigation measures.
  • Analysis of Project Alternatives
  • Preparation of Environmental Management and Monitoring Plans.
  • Conduct Public Consultation / Town Hall Meeting for project.

CL Environmental conducted environmental construction compliance monitoring of the project.

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